
智力成果共有,还是智力成果收益共有——一方智力成果发生之夫妻共有对象探讨 被引量:3

The Intellectual Achievement,or the Income of the Intellectual Achievement,is the Object of the Marital Joint Property——Discussion of the object of the marital joint property upon the intellectual achievement produced by the husband or the wife
摘要 知识产权是人身权和财产权的组合,智力成果作为知识产权人身权客体,不可与作者分离;作为知识产权财产权客体,可与作者分离。如立法采婚后所得共同制,因智力成果发生夫妻共有,应规定智力成果,而非知识产权,或知识产权收益,为共有对象。 Intellectual property is the combination of personal rights and property rights. As the object of personal rights of intellectual property, intellectual achievement should not he separated from the author, or vice versa if intellectual achievement is the object of property rights of intellectual property. If the marriage legislation adopts the common ownership of postnuptial incomes, the act of creating the intellectual achievement done by the husband or the wife has generated the marital joint property. Therefore, the legislation should stipulate the intellectual achievement, hut neither the intellectual property nor the income of the intellectual property, as the object of the marital joint property.
作者 许莉
机构地区 华东政法大学
出处 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第12期107-111,共5页 Hebei Law Science
基金 华东政法大学青年基金项目<社会性别视角下的婚姻立法研究>(08HZK006)的阶段性成果
关键词 智力成果 智力成果收益 夫妻共有 the intellectual achievement income of the intellectual achievement the marital joint property
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