Objective The study was designed to investigate the changes in some rheological pa- rameters and ET-1 in venous blood following electrical burns. Methods One of the hind limbs of rab- bits was subjected to 3000V,2.5A charge of alternative electric current for 3 seconds. Rheological pa- rameters such as red cell deformability(RED) and platelet aggregation rate (PAR), as well as endothe- lin-1 (ET-1) in venous blood drained from electrical burn wounds and contents of ATP in damaged mus- cle were measured at time intervals of 2h,24h-,48h and 72h postburn. Results The changes in the pa- rameters mentioned above were significant following electrical injury. The administration of PGEI showed an advantageous effect in prevention of thrombosis and muscle 'progressive necrosis' through improvement in RCD, reduction of PAR and the content of ET-1 in local circulation. Conclusion RCD, PAR and the content of ET-1 in local circulation changed significantly following electric injury and may play an important role in the process of 'progressive necrosis'. The potential use of PGE1 in the treat- ment of electrical injury is proposed.