5Hilde De Ridder - Symoens (ed.), A History of the University in Eruope, Volume I , Cambridge University Press, 1994. p.10, pp. 75-760.
6Thomdike, Lynn. University Records and Life in the Middle Ages, New York, Columbia University Press, 1944. pp. 28 - 30.
7Berdahl, Robert , Co- ordinating Structures: The UGC and US State Co- ordinating Agencies. in Shattock, Michael , The Structure and Governance of Higher Education. p. 69.
8Ashby, E , and Anderson, M. Universities: British, Indian, African, A Study in the Ecology of Higher Education. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966. p. 296.
9转引自Philip G.Altbach(atel)(ed.),American Higher Education in the 21 Century.100.