芒果象甲Sternochetus Pierce昆虫是芒果的重要害虫,明确其可能适生的区域对该虫的科学监测及防治意义重大。本文利用芒果象甲属中主要3种:印度果核芒果象S.mangiferae Fabricius、果核芒果象S.olivieri Faust、果肉芒果象S.frigidus Fabricius的已知分布点数据和亚洲地区的14个环境地理变量图层,运用GARP生态位模型结合GIS空间分析模块预测了该虫在中国的潜在地理分布,结果表明芒果象甲具有较强的扩散蔓延趋势,对我国的芒果产业构成较大的潜在威胁。
Sternochetus Pierce is a major pest on mango. It's very important for monitoring and controlling these pests of define the high suitable probability areas of them. An ecological niehe modeling method (the Genetic Algorithm for Rule -set Prediction, GARP) was applied to predict potential geographic distribution of three species of mango weevil in China on this paper, such as S. mangiferae, S. olivieri, S. frigidus base of the data about eurrent distribution area of three species and 14 environmental and geological covariates in Asia. The resulting GARP geographic predietions were exported as ASCII raster grid - files into ArcGIS 9.0 for further analysis prediction of the potential distribution of S. mangiferae, S. olivieri, S. frigidus in China. The results indicated that the three mango weevils have strong tendency for spreading and dangerous for mango euhivation in China.
Journal of Environmental Entomology