本文采用血清药理学方法,以貂肺上皮细胞 (Mvllu)生长抑制MTT法,观察了抗纤复方对大鼠纤维化肝原代培养贮脂细胞自分泌产生TGFβ_1的影响,检测培养上清中TGFβ_1活性,并以小牛血清、正常鼠血清和秋水仙碱药物血清为对照。结果表明抗纤复方药物血清和秋水仙碱药物血清均能明显抑制贮脂细胞产生TGFβ_1,但抗纤复方的抑制作用更明显。提示抗纤复方能抑制贮脂细胞产生TGFβ_1,阻断肝纤维化时的贮脂细胞自分泌放大过程,从而减少胶原等ECM的合成。
The paper reported the observation result on effect of kangxianfufang on transtoming growth factor fi, autocrine by fat - storing cells of rat with hepatic fibrosis.
TTie results showed that kangxianfitfang drug serum and colchicina serum could significantly inhibit fat - storing cells produce transtoming growth factor fi|, obstruct the autocrined enlarge course of fat - storing cells during hepatic fibrosis to reduce the sythesis of ECM.
All these suggested that kangxianfufang could effectively prevent hepatic fibrosis.
Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Science and Technology