Objective This paper describes research relating to the effects of Herba Lysimachiae and Citric Acid eliminated melamine-cyanuric acid calculus in rat kidneys. Methods 40 SD young rats were random divided into four groups: normal control (NC), melamine-cyanuric acid (MC), melamine-cyanuric acid and Citric Acid treatment group (CA), as well as melamine-cyanuric acid and Herha Lysimachiae treatment group (HL), and 10 rats for each group. The NC group was normal fed. For others group, the suspension of melamine-cyanuric acid were given by oral garage at a dosage of 400 / 400 mg/ kg / day for the first three consecutive days; and then, MC and CA and HL, tap water and Citric Acid and Herba Lysimachiae solution were respectively givern by oral gavage at 2 ml / day and lg / kg / day and lg / kg / day for the following second 10 consecutive days. Analyses included a range of indicators of renal damage, mean body weight, mean hibateral renal weight, renal weight / body weight, renal histopathology. Results In the MC, CA and HL groups, mean body weights were decreased during the three days melamine-cyanuric acid feeding, and were increased during ten days tap water or Citric Acid or Herba Lysimaehiae treatment. The three groups mean body weights were significantly lower than that in the NC group, and mean hibateral renal weights and renal weight / body weight were significantly higher than those in NC, renal function and histopathology did not ameliorated. But, there were not significant difference between the three groups. Melamine-cyanuric acid formed an insoluble crystals in renal tubules leading to acute renal function damage. Conclusions Melamine-cyanuric acid caused insoluble ci),stals in rat kidneys and acute renal function damage. Neither Herba Lysimachiae nor Citric Acid produced any protective effect in short period.
Journal of Clinical Pediatric Surgery