the ratio of no2- /no3- of no metablin was detected in 423 patients with hepatitis and cide-sis, which was cmpared with 42 normal. the result showed that the ratio in cirrhais was boer than that of thecontrol group and in hepatitis (p < 0.01 ). the rise of no2- /no3- in cidriis we negaively relatedto plasma al-bumin (r= - 0. 3018, p <0.05); opitively to the ar of ascihc fluid (r= -0. 3018,p <0.01); pos-itively to the potol width; not related to tba、 sb、 alt、 ast and the otility of thrombin. it sugges that noplays an impo rtant role in hyperdyamic circulation, product of ascitic fluid and synthesis of albdmin.
Journal of Jiangsu Clinical Medicine