
中国灵活就业人口及其对社会养老保险的影响分析 被引量:29

An Impact Analysis of Flexible Workforce in China on Old-age Insurance System
摘要 中国经济结构、产业结构的调整正不断深入并加速进行。伴随市场化、城市化和科技发展,我国人口就业方式正在发生重大变动,灵活就业人口的规模快速增长,已形成一个庞大的就业群体。社会养老保险覆盖这个群体,既是社会公平的要求,也是社会养老保险事业发展的需要。而灵活就业人口参保,必然对现行社会养老保险制度提出新的需求和挑战,并将对社会养老保险收支产生重大影响:参保后缴费人数增多,缴费基数多样化,缴费费率降低,缴费有效时间延长,收支不平衡风险加大。现阶段,中国灵活就业人口处在参保初期,对养老保险缴费收入增加有着显著的积极影响。参保的消极影响在2020年以后将逐渐显现。因此,建议建立专门的进城务工灵活就业者社会养老保险体系;建立超规定年限缴费、以灵活的费率缴费、与缴费总额挂钩进行给付等三项激励制度;尽早建立起适应我国灵活就业人口参保的社会养老保险资金长期收支平衡机制。 China's economic structure readjustment and industry restructure are being deepening and accelerated. Accompanied by marketization, urbanization and technological development processes, urban population employment structure has undergone significant changes: flexible workers' scale is extending fast and flexible workers have formed a large part of the labor force. Under the circumstances, including flexible working population in social pension insurance is not only the requirements of social equity,but also serves the needs of its development . It is definite that their participation will exert a strong influence on the existing system, which will in turn cause new demands and greatly benefit the insurance system's revenue and expenditure. The specific results include: growing contributors, diversified basic payments, decreasing contribution rates, extending pension contribution duration, and increasing financial imbalance risk. We can divide the possible effects into two parts: the positive and the negative. From 2005 up till 2020, while flexible working population gradually become participants, they will make remarkable positive contribution to the system's revenue. However, after 2020, when the insured start to claim their pensions, the negative effect will gradually appear. We, therefore, recommend the establishment of a special social pension insurance system for flexible migrant working population, and the establishment of three-incentive system : ( 1 ) encouraging the contributions exceed the required period and amount, (2)guaranteeing the participation with flexible contribution rates, and (3)linking up the total payment with the contribution period and contribution rates. With the measures stated above, we also hope that China's social pension insurance long-term financial balance of revenue and expenditure mechanism will be established at the earliest possible date, which will accommodate the needs of the flexible working population.
作者 尹文耀 叶宁
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期152-160,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 灵活就业人口 社会养老保险 保费收支 flexible working population social pension insurance revenue and expenditure
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