Studies on radiation level and radionuclide distribution in Yemen were studied. The samples were collected from eight locations: Ma'rib, A1 Jawf, Sana'a, Dhamar, Amran, Ibb, Al Bayda and Al Dalea. The purpose of this study is to provide a baseline map of radioactivity background levels in the investigated area and this study will be used as reference information to assess any change in the radioactive background level due to geological processes. The highest values of 22~ and 2~l'h concentrations (8797.2 and 24984.1 Bq.kg"l, respectively) were observed at A1 Jawf, region, whereas the highest average value of 40K concentration was 1561.9 Bq.kg-1. The investigation of the geological maps of the area under study showed that the surface rock outcrops consist mainly of granites, diorite, granodiorite, gneisses, and schists. All these rock types arc known to be rich in radioactive materials, which are considered natural sources for gamma radiation. The low mdiological background characterizing some Yemeni rocks could be attributed to nature of these rocks which consist of lime stone (sands and gravels). The absorbed dose rate in air was found to be in the range between 5.40 and 45.11 nGy.h-1 depending on the geological features, and radium equivalent activity concentration was found in the range between 29.57 and 71.85 Bq.kg-1. Also the representative extcmal hazard index values for the corresponding samples were also estinlated and given.