Concetration levels of Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, Sr, Mg and Ca in hair sarnples of pregnant diabetic wome and healthy Pregnan women were studied and detendned by induchvely couple plasma spectrometer.The average hair Zn concentrtion of 56 cotrol subjects was (139.9 ± 31 .5) × 10-6, while 11regnant diabetic women's was (114.3±29.4) × 10-6. There was siedcant difference between the two groups (P,< 0.05). On the other hand, there was no sighficant difference between Fe, Cu, Mn, Sr,Mg, and Ca concentions of two groups. Through compararison of trace elements levels in hair samples of 45 diabetic nonpregnant women and 33 healthy nonprenant women, it was indicated that there was no siedcan difference in Zn level between the two groups, and Cu leve in diabetes group is lower than that of conbol subjects (P < 0.05), respectively is (6.3 ± 2.31) × 10-6 and (9.05 ± 6.50) × 10-6, Fe levelin diabetes group is also siedcanily lower than that of control subects, respetively is (21 .5 ± 11 .7)× 10-6 and (26.9 ± 10.7)× 10-6 and no significant difference in other trace elements levels. It is indicated that the metabolism of trace elements in pregnant diabetic women and in diabetic womn is different.Zinc dchciency in pregnant diabetic women should be paid duly concerns.
Trace Elements Science