
论20世纪心理咨询与治疗理论的四大对立倾向 被引量:3

Four Dichotomous Tendencies in Human Psychological Consultation and Treatment in the 20th Century
摘要 文章通过宏观地勾画20世纪人类心理咨询与治疗的演变和发展脉络,特别是通过阐明上世纪心理咨询与治疗的理论和方法中的"对立倾向",从而总体地展示该领域的重大成就。有四大对立倾向:1.是"无意识"起作用,还是"意识"起作用?2.是"问题本身"导向,还是"问题解决"导向?3.是"病态者"角度,还是"健康者"角度?4.是"功能障碍",还是"正常功能反应"?进化临床心理学的意义重大深远,它为我们理解什么是心理障碍提供了新颖而独到的视角,特别是为区分功能障碍与正常功能反应确立了可行的具体标准。 Through giving a clear picture of the evolution and development of human psychological consultation and treatment in the 20th century, the paper discusses the overall significant achievements of this field in general and the "dichotomous tendencies" in the theories and methods in particular. The following four major dichotomous tendencies can be identified in the process of psychological consultation and treatment : 1 ) Which plays the key role, the "unconscious" or the "conscious"? 2) Which dominates, the "problem itself" or the "problem solving"? 3) Which point of view is more effective, that of the "abnormal people" or that of the "normal people" 9 4) Is the problem diagnosed "dysfunctional" or "normally functional" ? It is also found that the contribution made by evolutionary clinical psychology is far-reaching, for it provides us not only with a unique perspective for looking at psychological disorders but also with concrete criteria for differentiating dysfunctional disorders from normal functions.
作者 熊哲宏
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期107-112,共6页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(05JA720008) 全国教育科学"十五"规划重点课题(DBA050049) 上海市教育科学研究重点项目(A0411)
关键词 无意识与意识 问题与问题解决 病态者与健康者 功能障碍与功能正常 unconscious and conscious problem and problem solving abnormal and normal people dysfunction and normal function
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