通过分析时间到达(Time of Arrival,TOA)算法的定位原理,利用定位精度的几何稀释(Geometrical Dilution ofPrecision,GDOP),描述定位误差与锚节点群几何布局关系,并给出基于测距的算法中GDOP的计算方法。采用蒙特卡罗仿真方法,仿真次数100,设定锚节点的测距误差相同,取锚节点数为3、5,对基于锚节点群内点、外点的未知节点定位误差的归一化GDOP值和GDOP均值求解,结合质心算法原理,验证了自身节点定位精度与确定该节点位置的锚节点的几何关系密切相关,得到锚节点群内点定位精度高的结论。
The positioning principle of Time of Arrival (TOA) algorithm was analyzed, and Geometrical Dilution of Precision (GDOP) was used to describe the relationship between locating error and anchor nodes' geometry distribution. Then, the GDOP calculation method based on ranging is presented. Monte Carlo method was adopted for simulation, and the time of simulation is set as 100 with anchor nodes' number as 3 and 5. On the assumption that distance measurement error of anchor nodes is equal, the normalizing GDOP value and average GDOP value of unknown nodes' locating error based on interior node and exterior node of anchor nodes swarm were calculated out. It was verified that the node locating accuracy is related with anchor nodes' topology. The conclusion is that the nodes inside the anchor nodes have higher locating precision.
Electronics Optics & Control