
电针对脾虚型幼鼠海马区结构的影响 被引量:5

Effect of Electroacupuncture on Cellular Structure of Hippocampus in Splenic Asthenia Pedo-rats
摘要 目的:观察电针对脾虚证幼鼠脑结构的影响。方法:健康SD 4周龄雄性大鼠15只,随机选取5只作为对照组,其余10只造模。造模成功后的大鼠随机分为模型组、电针组,每组各5只。用利血平腹腔注射和大黄灌胃联合造幼鼠脾虚证模型,采用行为学指标、体重测量和拉尾排便率相结合对脾虚证模型是否成功进行判定。造模结束后用电针刺激电针组大鼠双侧"足三里"和"三阴交"穴,每次20 min,每天1次。治疗14 d后采用光学显微镜和透射电镜观察各组大鼠海马区的结构。结果:造模14 d后大鼠均表现毛色不荣、精神倦怠、嗜卧、眼眯、四肢无力,或见颤抖、反应迟钝,甚则肛门脱垂,明显消瘦。与对照组比较,造模大鼠体重明显较轻(P<0.01),拉尾排便次数增多。光镜下观察,模型组脑组织内神经元轮廓模糊,胞体肿大,周围间隙增宽,核碎裂,胞浆出现空洞,空泡形成,细胞带层次减少;电针组脑组织内神经元轮廓尚清晰,细胞核形态正常,细胞带尚均匀,可见有胶质细胞浸润。电镜下观察,模型组脑结构在神经元胞体和神经毡区都有改变,尤以线粒体和突触终末端的改变明显;电针组神经元损伤程度较轻,细胞结构良好。结论:脾虚证会引起大鼠脑内神经元胞体和突触的改变,而电针治疗对脑组织抗损伤能力和修复能力有积极作用。 Objective To observe the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) on hippocampal structure in splenic asthenia pedo-rats. Methods A total of 15 SD male rats were randomly assigned to normal control group (n = 5) ,model group (n = 5) and EA group (n = 5). Splenic asthenic syndrome model was established by intragastric administration of rhubarb and intraperitoneal injection of Reserpine for 14 d. EA (1 mA, 3 Hz/15 Hz) was applied to bilateral "Zusanli" (ST 36) and "Sanyinjiao" (SP 6) for 20 min, once a day for 14 days. The cellular structure of hippocampus was observed by light microscope and transmission electron microscope. Results Optical microscopic observation showed that in normal control group, the cellular nucleus was distinct, and the granular cell layer well-arranged and tight, In model group, the intracellular space was widened, and the granular cell layer was out of order in the arrangement. In EA group, the cellular nucleus and the granular cell layer were nearly normal. Results of the electronic microscope showed that cells in model group had a karyopyknosis with irregular appearance and clear incisure, and some of them presented dissolving and necrotic phenomena; and those in EA group were milder in injury, had nearlynormal nucleus with visible nucleoli and relatively-intact nuclear membrane. Regarding the cellular plasma, in comparison with rich normal organelles of control group, the mitochondria in model group were swelling, with vague, dissolved and broken cristae, while in EA group, majority of the organelles were well-kept, and slightly dissolved mitochondrial cristae found. In regard to the synaptic structure, in comparison with control group, synaptic apomorphosis and swelling mitochondria were found in model group. While in EA group, milder swelling and hydropic degeneration were seen. Different from the distinct pre- and post-synaptic membrane and synaptic vesicles of control group, the synaptic clefts and vesicles of model group were vague in the profile; while those in EA group were nearly-normal. Conclusion Electroacupuncture can effectively relieve splenasthenic syndrome induced pathohistological changes of neurons of the hippocampus in the rat.
出处 《针刺研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期37-42,共6页 Acupuncture Research
基金 2007年广东省科技厅社会发展领域科技计划项目(73127)
关键词 脾虚证 海马 电针 病理组织观察 超微结构 神经保护 Splenasthenic syndrome Electroacupuncture Hippocampus Pathohistological observation Ultrastructure Neuro-protection
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