Objective To determine the proportion of heroin use among patients who were involved in community-based methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) program and to identify the risk factors associated with heroin use. Methods This study was conducted in 9 MMT clinics within 3 provinces. Thirteen hundred and one patients who met the study criteria were selected from each of the five groups with different dosages of methadone users. An administrative questionnaire was applied to explore the demographics, drug abuse-related behaviors and MMT services received by the clients, etc. The prevalence of depression and anxiety among the clients were also collected by SAS and SDS. Urine samples were collected as a biological marker to indicate if heroin had been used. Results Of the 1301 patients, 76.2% were males. The mean age was (34.6±6.5) years while 71.7% had an education level of primary school or below. The average daily dosage of methadone was (48.1 ±29.4) mg and self-satisfied evaluation score on treatment was 8.6. On average, 27.7% urine samples showed positive opiate evidence. Marital status, employment status, treatment retention, self-satisfied evaluation score on dosage and dropout history were found to be significantly associated with heroin use, while gender, education level and dosage had no significant association with heroin use. It seemed that risk factors that associated with heroin use were different from areas to areas. Conclusion High quality MMT clinic services, high self-satisfied score, longer treatment retention and low dropout rate seemed to have the effects of reducing the risk of ongoing heroin abuse under the methadone maintenance treatment program.
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
美国疾病预防控制中心全球艾滋病项目(USCDCGAP6.3.1C) 感谢中国疾病预防控制中心公共卫生监测与信息服务中心王骏助理研究员对本文统计分析提供的修改建议
Methadone maintenance treatment
Heroin use
Risk factors