
基于战争游戏法的企业竞争情报作战室设计模式研究 被引量:5

Research on the Design Model of Enterprise Competitive Intelligence War Room Based on Wargaming
摘要 动态、复杂的竞争环境下,战争游戏法和作战室已经成为企业竞争分析的工具和方法。本文将基于战争游戏法的竞争情报作战室作为一种竞争情报创新工具,利用逻辑上的反推,从战争游戏和作战室的功能出发,探讨满足这些功能的竞争情报作战室设计应该具备的构成要素,构建基于战争游戏法的竞争情报作战室设计的通用模型。依据该模型,在对我国企业竞争情报和作战室应用现状及需求进行调查分析的基础上,分析影响基于战争游戏法的企业竞争情报作战室设计的权变因素,提出了适合我国企业的4种设计模式,为我国企业应对激烈多变的竞争环境建立竞争情报作战室提供了可供参考的操作模式。 Under the rapidly changing dynamic environment, wargaming and war room have been used as an effective tool and method for competitive analysis. This paper looks the enterprise competitive intelligence war room based on wargnming as an innovation tool for competitive intelligence. The authors build a general war room design model by deducing the functional characteristics of both wargaming and war room and analyzing the constructing elements. Furthermore, the paper puts forward four kind of war room design models based on the investigation on the competitive intelligence practice in China and the analysis of factors that affect the choice of competitive intelligence war room model. It is an valuable exploration for Chinese enterprise to face the intense competition environment.
出处 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期368-376,共9页 Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information
基金 本文系国家自然科学基金项目“基于战争游戏法的企业竞争情报作战室设计模式与运行机制研究”(项目批准号:70673044)研究成果之一 南开大学“985工程”“中国企业管理与制度创新”创新基地阶段研究成果.
关键词 战争游戏法 竞争情报作战室 设计模式 wargaming, competitive intelligence war room, design model
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