
遥操作机器人系统软组织环境触觉建模实验 被引量:3

Soft tissue environment haptic modeling for tele-manipulation robot system
摘要 软组织作业环境作为面向微创手术的遥操作机器人系统的一个显著特点,其动力学精确建模具有非常重要的意义.本文研制了一套遥操作机器人实验系统,在动物软组织插针实验的基础上提出了一种交互过程中的非线性软组织力反馈触觉模型,设计了该模型动力学参数辨识的实验研究方法,并通过最小二乘法辨识模型参数.结果表明:本文建立的非线性软组织动力学模型比较准确,能够反映插针过程中力的变化过程,可以应用于虚拟手术仿真和控制策略的研究. Soft tissue working environment is a significant characteristic of tele-manipulation robots.Its accurate dynamic modeling is important.This paper developed a series of tele-manipulation robot experimental system.According to experiment of needle insertion into physical soft tissue of animals,the authors built up the reciprocal model of force feedback during interaction.Moreover,the authors undertook an experiment of tele-manipulation puncture and got the curve of stress of animal soft tissue under the environment of insertion experiment.Based on recurrent least square method,the parameters of model were identified.Experimental result indicates that the dynamic model of nonlinear soft tissue is precise,and it can reflect the force variation during insertion.Also,it can be used in the simulation of control strategy.
出处 《江苏科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期79-82,共4页 Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60575051)
关键词 遥操作机器人 微创手术 软组织 触觉模型 tele-manipulation robot minimally invasive surgery soft tissue haptic model
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