
2007年重庆市璧山县和云阳县抽样地区环境碘含量调查分析 被引量:4

Environmental Iodine Content of Bisan and Yunyang County in Chongqing,2007
摘要 为了解重庆市抽样地区自然环境中的碘含量,为碘盐的合理摄入和防治碘相关疾病提供依据,采用多级整群随机抽样法,选择重庆市渝东地区云阳县和渝西地区璧山县为调查点,在两县经济状况中等的乡镇各抽取3所乡镇小学的8~10岁儿童各30名作为调查对象,以直接滴定法(GB/T13025.7-1999)检测了其家庭食用盐碘含量;采用随机抽样方法抽取两县居民饮用水样和土壤样,以GB5750-85中砷铈催化分光光度法测定了水碘含量,反向放大比色法测定了土壤碘含量。结果表明,检测两县居民食盐样本556份,璧山县与云阳县食盐碘均数分别为30.41和35.78mg/kg;抽取两县居民饮用水样87份,两县水碘中位数分别为6.50和2.78μg/L;水碘含量<10μg/L的水样分别占73.33%和100%;抽取两县浅表层土壤样品88份,两县土壤碘中位数分别为8.20和7.56mg/kg。提示两抽样县均属于碘缺乏地区,需要通过食盐加碘防治碘缺乏病。可根据各地区具体情况,考虑适当调整食盐含碘量。 To know environmental iodine content in Chongqing sampled areas, and providing evidences for intaking sufficient iodine salt and iodine - related diseases prevention and treatment, with multistage cluster sampling, bisan and yunyang were selected as study plots, 3 towns in each selected county with moderate economic status were enrolled. Salt brought taken from 30 students with 8 - 10 years old in each township primary school was examined by direct titration (GB/T 13025.7 - 1999), to the iodine content. Water and soil sample were randomly collected. GB 5750 - 85 arsenic cerium catalytic spectroscopic method were used for measuring iodine content of water; and reverse amplification assay were used for measuring iodine content of soil. The results showed that 556 salt samples were tested, means of salt iodine content in bisan and yunyang were 30. 41 mg,/kg and 35.78 mg/kg separately. 87 water sample were tested, medians of water salt iodine content in the two counties were 6. 50 μg/L and 2. 78 μg/L separately. Percentage of samples with iodine content 〈 10 μg/L was 73.33% in bisan, 100% in yunyang. 88 soil samples were tested. Medians of soil salt iodine content in the two counties were 8.20 mg/kg and 7. 56 mg/kg separately. It conclusion the two sample areas were both iodine deficiency. Add iodine to salt was necessary to iodine deficiency disorders prevention. Adjusting iodized salt concentration appropriately bases on different condition of each area was suggested.
出处 《广东微量元素科学》 CAS 2010年第3期21-26,共6页 Trace Elements Science
基金 重庆市"十一五"科技发展规划重大专项(CSTC 2007AB5034) 重庆医科大学2007年度校级课题基金(XBYB2007072)
关键词 碘缺乏病 盐碘 水碘 土壤碘 iodine deficiency disorders concentration of iodised salt water salt soil salt
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