
中国省际间农村居民收入结构和收入差距分析 被引量:39

Income Stractare and Income Disparity of Inter-provincial Rural Households in China
摘要 在计算基尼系数的基础上,文章得出了改革开放以来中国省际间农村居民收入差距不断扩大的趋势,收入基尼系数从1981年的0.095一直上升到了2003年的0.181,直到近年来,收入差距才开始略有缩小。文章从收入结构的视角研究了省际间农村居民收入差距产生的原因。首先利用1983-2008年较长时期的数据分析了农村居民收入结构的变化,发现从总体上而言,中国各地区农村居民的收入结构均表现出了农业收入比重减少,非农收入比重增加的明显趋势;然后运用基尼系数的分解方法实证分析了不同收入来源对于收入差距的影响,研究发现,工资性收入是差距促增的,是目前中国省际间农村居民收入差距扩大最重要的原因,而家庭经营性收入者起着差距促减的作用,转移性收入和财产性收入的不平等程度较高,但是由于其在总收入中的比例不高,对总的收入差距影响较小。最后,文章提出了缩小省际间农村居民收入差距的政策建议。 Based on the calculation of Gini coefficient, the article drew the conclusion that the income disparity among the provinces of rural households in China was increasing: the coefficient increased from 0.095 in 1981 to 0.181 in 2003Until recent years,the income disparity began to narrow slightly-From the perspective of income structure, the article studied the causes of interprovincial rural households-income disparity-Firstly, we used data of a longer period from 1983 to 2008 to analyze rural households income structure changes, finding that the rural households farm income was decreasing and the non-farm income was increasing in all rural areas of China from the general perspective-Then, utilizing the method of Gini coefficient decomposition by sources of income, we empirically analyzed the causes of income inequality, and found that income from wages and salaries was inequalityincreasing, and was the most important factor to widen income disparity among interprovincial rural households; income from household operations was inequalitydecreasing; income from properties and transfers were of high degree of inequality, but because of its low proportion in total income, so it slightly affected the total income inequality Finally, the article proposes some policy implications to narrow the income disparity of interprovincial rural households.
作者 祝伟 汪晓文
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期137-142,共6页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 2007甘肃省社科规划项目:<甘肃新农村建设中的公共产品配置问题研究>的阶段性成果
关键词 农村居民 收入差距 收入结构 基尼系数 rural households income inequality income structure Gini coefficient
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