

Research and Implement of Router in Logging Networks
摘要 为满足测井数据传输的实时性和可靠性要求,提出了轻量级的路由器设计方案.将点到点协议的状态机精简为3个状态和5个事件,缩小了逃逸字符的数量.路由缓存管理采用了最长首部对齐的预分配策略和减少搬移缓存数据的方法,设计了线性静态路由表的查找方法,并以数字信号处理器的定时器驱动和直接存储器访问方式快速处理缓存数据.试验结果表明,该轻量级路由器开销小,转发延迟和延迟抖动小,满足测井网络的需要. A lightweight router using optimized methods is proposed to meet the requirements of real-time and reliable transmission in logging networks.In the router,the point-to-point protocol is simplified for three states and five events in state machine,and the number of escape characters will be reduced to improve transmission efficiency.The memory of link frame is pre-allocated with the maximum header of protocol data unit to decrease movement of buffered data.A low-complexity method based on linear static routing table is designed to fast lookup.The forwarding engine driven by direct memory access controller in hardware timer can fast process Internet protocol packet.Experiment shows that the forwarding delay and jitter is low and the router is stable and efficient for logging networks.
出处 《北京邮电大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期116-120,共5页 Journal of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(40771144)
关键词 缓存管理 测井网络 路由查找 状态机 时延 buffer management logging networks route lookup state machine time delay
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