
两种冠修复材料与变形链球菌粘附的关系 被引量:5

The relationship between two crown restoration materials and S. mutans adherence
摘要 目的了解表面粗糙度相同的镍铬合金、钴铬合金与变形链球菌粘附的关系。方法用镍铬合金、钴铬合金分别加工相同的试件各10个,对试件表面进行打磨,用TR200手持式粗糙度仪测出表面粗糙度参数,使2种修复材料试件表面粗糙度相似;将2组试件分别在变形链球菌菌液中培养48h,记录粘附菌量。结果镍铬合金和钴铬合金上粘附菌量分别为(3.128±1.020)×106和(4.704±1.502)×106,两者之间差异有统计学意义(t=2.745,α=0.05,P=0.013)。结论在表面粗糙度相似时,镍铬合金上的变形链球菌粘附量少于钴铬合金。 Objective To evaluate the correlation between two crown restoration materials and S.mutans adherence.Methods Nickel-chromium and cobalt-chromium specimens were prepared.TR200 hand-held roughness instrument was used to determine their Ra value and to make sure that the two kinds of materials had the same surface roughness.The specimens were then cultured in the solution containing S.mutans for 48 hours.The amount of S.mutans adhered on the surface was recorded.The results were statistically analyzed.Results After culturing for 48 hours,the adhesive capacity of Ni-Cr alloy and Co-Cr alloy of same surface roughness was (3.128±1.020)×10^6 and (4.704±1.502)×10^6 respectively.The difference of adhesion between the two alloys was statistically significant.Conclusion With the same surface roughness,the adhesive capacity of Ni-Cr alloy was less than Co-Cr alloy.
出处 《北京口腔医学》 CAS 2010年第2期87-89,共3页 Beijing Journal of Stomatology
关键词 镍铬合金 钴铬合金 粘附 表面粗糙度 Nickel-chromium Cobalt-chromium Adhesion Surface roughness
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