
心肌致密化不全患者心肌收缩运动同步性研究 被引量:4

Assessment of left ventricular systolic synchronicity by quantitative tissue velocity imaging in patients with left ventricular noncompaction
摘要 目的 利用定量组织速度成像(quantitative tissue velocity imganig,QTVI)技术分析探讨心肌致密化不全患者的心肌收缩同步性运动情况.方法 采集18例心肌致密化不全患者(NVM组)和30例健康对照组的常规二维图像,启动组织多普勒(DTI)程序,获取标准心尖位左心室长轴观、两腔观和四腔观共3个切面的QTVI图像.分别描绘左心室侧壁、后间隔、前壁、下壁、前间隔和后壁等6个室壁的基底段及中间段共12个节段的组织速度曲线.测量左心室12个节段的QRS波起始点至各节段收缩期达峰时间(Q-Ts),计算48例检查者左心室12个节段的Ts最大差值(Max-△Ts).结果 NVM组和健康对照组相比,左心室各壁基底段Q-Ts均明显长(P均〈0.001),且以左心室侧壁、后壁、下壁延迟为重;左心室各壁中间段Q-Ts均明显长(P均〈0.001),且以左心室下壁、侧壁、后壁延迟为重.NVM组左心室12个节段的Max-△Ts为(161.9±93.2)ms,显著大于正常对照组的(61.2±27.4)ms,P〈0.001.结论 左心室心肌致密化不全患者存在心肌收缩运动的不同步性.且左心室各壁中间段Q-Ts最延迟的部位依次为下壁、侧壁、后壁,有别于既往文献报道的其他原因所致心力衰竭时左心室各壁中间段Q-Ts最延迟的部位依次为侧壁、后壁、下壁. Objective To assess left ventricular systolic synchronicity by quantitative tissue velocity imaging ( QTVI) in patients with left ventricular noncompaction ( LVNC) . Methods Eighteen LVNC patients and 30 healthy controls were included Two-dimensional echocardiography, QTVI was applied on parastemal long axis view, apical two-chamber and four-chamber view. Tissue velocity curve was obtained from the middle and basal segments of left ventricular posterior, lateral, septal, anterior, inferior and anteroseptal walls. Time interval from the beginning of QRS complex to the peak systolic velocity (Q-Ts) and the maximal difference in Ts among all 12 LV segments (Max-△Ts) was calculated. Results Q-Ts from basal and middle segments of left ventricular inferior, lateral and posterior walls was significantly prolonged in LVNC patients compared to controls (P 〈 0.001). Max-△Ts was also significantly increased in LVNC patients [(161. 9 ± 93. 2 ) ms] than that in controls [(61. 2 ± 27. 4 ) ms, P 〈 0. 001]. Conclusions There was significant left ventricular asynchronies in patients with LVNC and delayed systolic contraction occurred mostly in the basal and middle segments of left ventricular inferior, posterior and lateral walls.
出处 《中华心血管病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期398-401,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cardiology
关键词 心肌收缩 超声检查 多普勒 心肌致密化不全 Myocardial contraction Ultrasonography,doppler Myocardium noncompaction
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