
国产掺铈氯化镧晶体γ探测能力测量 被引量:1

Homemade Lacl_3:Ce γ Sensitivity Measurement
摘要 掺铈氯化镧晶体(Lacl3:Ce)是国际上最新研制的无机闪烁快响应晶体,其具有对γ探测能力强,时间响应快,中子、γ分辨能力高等特点。在放射性标准源场中对首批国产掺铈氯化镧晶体配光电倍增管的γ灵敏度进行了测量,测量结果表明国产新型Lacl3:Ce无机晶体对1.25 MeV和0.66 MeVγ射线的探测能力约为NaI晶体的80%左右。此类晶体可作为低强度快脉冲γ辐射测量的候选晶体。 Lacl3 :Ce scintillator was the inorganic fast-response crystal which have been developed newly. It has some strong'points, for example, high γsensitivity, fast time-respond and high neutron/γ differen- tiate etc. Two kinds of energy γsensitivity in the standard radiation field was measured. The result show: the detecting capability of the homemade Lacl3 :Ce scintilltor is the 80% of NaI when the volume is same. It may be used in low intensity γ pulse radiation field.
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期597-599,647,共4页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
关键词 掺铈氯化镧 Γ灵敏度 实验测量 辐射 Lacl3 : Ce, γsensitivity, measure, racliation
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