
贵州地氟病氟源探讨——以黔中地氟病区地质环境调查为例 被引量:15

A tentative discussion on the source of endemic fluorosis:geo-environmental evidence from three counties in Guizhou Province
摘要 燃煤型地氟病是中国西南地区特有的一种地方性疾病,但氟的来源尚存在争议。织金县、纳雍县和平坝县地氟病区水样、煤样及土壤样的采集分析结果表明,在高氟煤和劣质煤开采使用区,导致氟中毒的氟主要来自煤炭;而在其他地氟病区,氟主要来自土壤粘化层;单纯饮水中的氟不至于引起氟中毒。关停劣质煤和高氟煤生产煤窑,使用其他帮助粉状煤炭燃烧和使用的天然物料可以减轻氟中毒的危害。 Endemic fluorosis related to domestic coal combustion is widely spread around Guizhou Province, but its source is still unclear. Analysis of samples of waters, coals and soils collected from Zhijin, Nayong and Pingba Counties where the disease is common reveals that the source of fluoride comes mainly from coals in areas where low quality coals or coals with high fluorine are exploited, and is derived from soils in other areas. Merely drinking water seems not likely to cause endemic fluorosis. It is therefore suggested that stopping the mining of low quality coal or coals with high fluorine and making use of near-surface soil could possibly relieve the damage of fluoride in the province.
出处 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期696-703,共8页 Geology in China
基金 贵州省公益性 基础性地勘基金项目(黔国土资发[2007]172号) 贵州省科技基金(合同号:黔科合J字[2008]2237号) 中国科学院地球化学研究所环境地球化学重点实验室开放式基金联合资助
关键词 地氟病 土壤 endemic fluorosis coal soil water
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