
Attentional negativity bias moderated by positive mood arousal 被引量:3

Attentional negativity bias moderated by positive mood arousal
摘要 Automatically allocation of more attention to negative stimuli is called emotional negativity bias.An event-related potentials(ERPs) experiment investigated whether or not this bias was altered by positive mood arousal.The results suggested that the attention bias towards negative stimuli was attenuated when positive information was accessible. Automatically allocation of more attention to negative stimuli is called emotional negativity bias. An event-related potentials (ERPs) experiment investigated whether or not this bias was altered by positive mood arousal. The results suggested that the attention bias towards negative stimuli was attenuated when positive information was accessible.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第19期2010-2015,共6页
基金 supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (30930031) National Key Technologies R&D Program (2009BAI77B01) Ministry of Education (PCSIRT,IRT0710) National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (2008AA021204) Key Laboratory of Mental Health,Chinese Academy of Sciences
关键词 negativity bias positive mood P2 LPP ERPS negativity bias positive mood P2 LPP ERPs
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