
小学数学学优生和普通生的学习动机与表征水平的关系 被引量:7

The Relationship Between Representational Complexity and Learning Motivation of Mathematical Gifted and Ordinary Students in Primary School
摘要 本研究在关系-表征复杂性模型的理论框架下,以小学四至六年级的数学学优生40人和普通生72人为被试,考察了两类学生的数学应用题表征水平与学习动机的差异及这两个变量的关系。结果表明:(1)学优生的表征水平显著高于普通生,尤其体现在等级复杂性2和3这类较难的项目上。(2)在学习动机方面,学优生的内生动机水平显著高于普通生,二者在外生动机上差异不显著。(3)对于学优生来说,内生动机能够预测难度较高(即等级复杂性2和3)的任务的表征水平;而对于普通生来说,则能够预测难度相对较低(即等级复杂性1和2)的任务的表征水平。 This article mainly discussed the differences of representational complexity of arithmetic word problems and learning motivation and their relationship between two types of students in the framework of the relational-representational complexity model (RRCM). 40 mathematical gifted and 72 ordinary students from a primary school participated in the study and finished two tests. The results showed that: (1) Gifted students' representational complexity was significantly higher than ordinary students, especially in problems of hierarchical complexity 2 and 3; (2) Concerning learning motivation, gifted students' intrinsic motivation was stronger than that of ordinary students. But there was no significantly difference between them in extrinsic motivation; (3) Intrinsic motivation could predict gifted students' representational complexity in harder problems of which hierarchical complexity was 2 or 3, while intrinsic motivation could predict ordinary students' performance on easier problems of which hierarchical complexity was 1 or 2.
作者 李丹 辛自强
出处 《心理研究》 2010年第4期74-80,共7页 Psychological Research
基金 全国教育科学"十一五"规划课题(EBA080303)
关键词 数学 学优生 普通生 学习动机 表征水平 mathematics gifted students ordinary students learning motivation representational level
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