Purpose:To improve the diagnosis and treatment of the bladder nontransitional celltumor. Methods: The methods of diagnosis and treatment were discussed in 18 cases of the bladdernontransitional cell tumor from Jan. l99O to Dec. 1997. Results: l8 cases of the bladder nontransi-tional cell tumor accounted for 5. 1% of 352 bladder tumor patients in the same period, of which16.7% (3 cases) were benign and 83. 3% (15 cases) malignant. Of the later 73. 3 % was squamouscell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and mixed tumor with transitional cell carcinoma. 73. 3% of thetumors were over T3 stages . Most of the patients had haematuria and irritable bladder symptoms,the proper treatment were partial and total cystectomy. The overall survival rate at 1,3 and 5years was 85. 7%, 66. 7% and 57. 1% respective1y. Concluslous:The prognosis of bladder nontran-sitional cell tumor was apparently related to tumor stage and therapy method.
Journal of Clinical Urology