
小儿先天性室间隔缺损介入治疗中受照剂量的评价 被引量:10

Radiation dosage accepted by children during interventional treatment for congenital ventricular septal defect
摘要 目的测定小儿先天性室间隔缺损(VSD)介入治疗中患者辐射剂量;分析影响X线辐射剂量的因素及其减低剂量方法。方法 2008年12月-2009年10月,应用热释光测量法对30例小儿先天性VSD介入治疗患者进行辐射测量,热释光剂量仪(TLD)贴在儿童患者相应体表处,结果分别代表晶状体、甲状腺、照射野和性腺处的皮肤受照剂量。结果晶状体、甲状腺、照射野和性腺4点的平均皮肤受照剂量分别是(65.7±48.8)μGy,(2618.2±862.6)μGy,(3376.5±838.4)μGy和57.0μGy,透视时间平均(7.2±3.0)min,造影曝光时间平均(6.1±1.8)s。结论经导管介入治疗VSD是一种安全和疗效可靠的方法 ,但儿童患者对辐射更加敏感。小儿VSD介入治疗照射剂量最大区域是照射野,其次是甲状腺,应控制照射野大小,加强对甲状腺区域的防护,尽量减少电离辐射对儿童健康的影响。 Objective To estimate the radiation dose to which children are exposed during cardiac catheterizations for the treatment of ventricular septal defect,to analyze the factors affecting the radiation dose and to find out the measures to decrease the radiation dose.Methods From December 2008 to October 2009,transcatheter closure was performed in 30 children with perimembranous ventricular septal defect.During the procedure the radiation doses to the children were estimated by using thermoluminescent dosimetry(TLD).The TLD chips were calibrated before use and were attached in four measuring points,representing the radiation dose of the crystalline lens,the thyroid,the exposure field and the gonad.Results The mean entrance dose of the crystalline lens,the thyroid,the exposure field and the gonad was(65.7 ± 48.8)μGy,(2618.2 ± 862.6)μGy,(3376.5 ± 838.4)μGy and(57.0 ± 59.4)μGy,respectively.The mean fluoroscopic time used for interventional procedure was(7.2 ± 3.0)minutes,and the mean angiographic exposures time was(6.1 ± 1.8) seconds.Conclusion Transcatheter closure therapy for perimembranous ventricular septal defect is safe and effective.The exposure field is the region receiving the largest radiation dose,in the next place was the thyroid.Some more effective protections,such as smaller exposure field,strengthened protection of thyroid region,etc.should be taken in order to decrease the X-ray radiation dosage accepted by children as they are more sensitive to radiation exposure.
出处 《介入放射学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第7期518-520,共3页 Journal of Interventional Radiology
关键词 室间隔缺损 介入治疗 辐射剂量 放射防护 ventricular septal defect transcatheter closure radiation dosage radiation protection
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