为发挥杂交谷子耐旱节水丰产性能,对张杂谷6号进行了不同水分梯度和不同留苗密度试验研究。结果表明:拔节期补水与不补水之间产量差异达到极显著水平,但不同补水量之间产量差异未达到显著水平,说明谷子杂交种在拔节期补灌30 mm即可达到显著的增产作用,但补水量增加不利于提高水分利用效率;不同留苗密度处理间产量差异达到极显著水平,随着留苗密度增加产量随之增加;在自然降水和补灌水量30 mm情况下,种植密度以18万株/hm^2和30万株/hm^2为宜。杂交谷子拔节期补水增产但不利于提高水分利用效率,适宜的留苗密度是提高产量和水分利用效率的有效途径。
The experiment of different water gradients and cropping densities conducted to bring into play of the drought tolerance,water saving and yield potentiality in hybrid millet.The results showed that there was significant yield gap between supplementary irrigation and no irrigation in millet elongation stage,but no significant yield difference in supplement irrigation water amounts.The 30 mm water amount could achieve optimal yield and WUE improvement.There was significant yield difference among the cropping population densities and yield increased as the cropping density increasing.Under the natural precipitation and 30 mm supplement irrigation the optimal cropping density should be 180 000 plant/hm^2 and 300 000 plant/hm^2.Hybrid millet yield could be increased by supplement irrigation in elongation but no WUE.The appropriate cropped density is an effective way to improve yield and WUE.
Journal of Shanxi Agricultural Sciences