从我国广大山区铁路急需相匹配的内燃机车出发,根据国内外山区铁路广泛采用B0 —B0 —B0 轴式机车的成功经验,对目前我国应用最广泛的东风4C型机车轴式由C0 —C0 改为B0 —B0 —B0 在技术、结构、性能、生产上的可行性作了分析说明;介绍了3B0 轴式东风4C型机车的结构特点和动力学性能;对黔桂线上用其代替老东风型机车的预期效果作了分析说明。作者认为:该机车符合国情,是目前比较理想的山区和支线铁路客、货运通用型机车,有广阔的应用前景,建议列入内燃机车型谱。
From the point of view of many mountainous railroads in China being in urgent need for suitable diesel locomotives and on the basis of the successful experience obtained by mountainous railroads at home and abroad commonly using B 0 B 0 B 0 locomotives, the author analyzes and explains the feasibility of the axle arrangement of most commonly used DF 4C locomotives in China now being changed from C 0 C 0 to B 0 B 0 B 0 in terms of technology, structure, performance and production; describes the structure features and dynamic performance of B 0 B 0 B 0 DF 4C locomotives; studies the expected effects of substituting B 0 B 0 B 0 DF 4C locomotives for old DF locomotives over Qian Gui route. The author indicates that this locomotive is suitable to Chinese situation, it is a relatively ideal and promising mixed traffic locomotive for mountainous and branch lines at present. The author also suggests that it should be incorporated in the typenprogramm of diesel locomotives to promote technical advances of diesel locomotives in China.
Diesel Locomotives
diesel locomotive B_0 B_0 B_0 axle arrangement feasibility Type DF_(4C)