
保障性住房建设方式及选址问题研究 被引量:17

The Study of Construction Form and Site Selection of Security Housing
摘要 当前,保障性住房多采用独立集中建设方式,而且大多选址在城市边缘区域,这导致我国城市出现居住空间分异,同时低收入居住区远离市区,这样极易造成社会劣势群体的空间集中并产生严重的社会隔离。因此保障性住房建设方式及选址是当前保障性住房建设必须重视的两个问题。文章对这两个问题进行了分析,并对今后的保障性住房建设方式及选址提出了如下改进建议:一是加大保障性住房开发配建比例,以形成混合居住模式;二是选址应邻近大运量城市公交系统,以TOD发展模式为主;三是部分项目选址应在老城区;四是借鉴香港经验,应该在有发展潜力的新城选址。 Independent centralized construction form is mostly used in the construction of security housing. Meanwhile, the sites of security housing are mostly seIected around urban edge. All of this results in urban residential segregation and low income housing areas' departing from city area. The present situation easily brings about spatial concentration of social inferior group and serious social segregation. So construction form and site selection are two important problems in the present construction of security housing. This article analyzes these two problems and proposes suggestions, which include enlarge the areas of the construction of security housing for living together for different people,selecting in the city area and developing the new areas.
作者 吕艳 扈文秀
出处 《西安财经学院学报》 2010年第5期35-39,共5页 Journal of Xi’an University of Finance & Economics
基金 陕西省科技厅软科学项目(2008KR97)
关键词 保障性住房 居住空间分异 住房选址 配套设施 security housing residential segregation site selection infrastructure
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