The effect of bioturbtion of Nuttallia olivacea on the vertical distribution of sediment particles was studied with glass beads. After 10 days' biotubation by the species, 47% of the glass beads on the surface were transferred downward to a maximum depth of 12cm, and the vertical transportation rate of sediment particles was 1.80×10 -5 .g -1 .cm -2 .d -1 ; for glass beads at a depth of 10cm, 45% were transferred upwards to a minimum depth of 3cm with a transportation rate of 1.89×10 -5 .g -1 .cm -2 .d -1 , 15% were transferred downward to a maximum depth of 16cm with a transportation rate of 0.63×10 -5 .g -1 .cm -2 .d -1 。