
猪圆环病毒病临床表现类型及其防治 被引量:4

Clinical Types and Cure of Porcine ciroviru
摘要 为了更有效地控制猪圆环病毒病的发生,采取流行病学调查、临床检查、病理剖检、猪圆环病毒抗体检测试剂盒检测,对确诊为猪圆环病毒病的3 500头猪的临床表现类型进行统计分析。结果表明,腹泻型占15.5%,衰竭型占23.0%,皮疹型占2.8%,繁殖障碍型占8.5%,混合感染型占50.2%;针对不同的临床类型,采取不同的防治方案,治愈率达95.0%以上。 The clinical types of 3 500 pigs infected by Porcine cirovirus were statistically diagnosed by epidemiological investigation,clinical examination,pathologic anatomy and HIV-Ab to control its occurrence effectively.The results showed that the proportion of diarrhea type,failure type,erythra syndrome type,breeding disorder type and mixed infection type was 15.5%,23.0%,2.8%,8.5% and 50.2% respectively and the recovery rate of infected pigs treated by different cure methods be reach over 95% according to different clinical types.
机构地区 河南科技学院
出处 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第9期127-128,133,共3页 Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
基金 河南省教育厅自然科学研究项目"猪高热性综合征病因调查与防治方法的研究"(2009B20030004)
关键词 圆环病毒病 临床表现类型 同源组织 灭活苗 防治 pig Porcine cirovirus clinical type homologous tissue inactivate vaccine cure
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