Based on the detailed analyses of the Qarhan Shell bar section,which is located at the Eastern Qaidam Basin and is one of the most important geological archives in the north Eastern Tibetan Plateau, the ^87Sr/^86Sr and the contents of other elements in the acid soluble (AS) and acid insoluble (AI) fractions were tested separately. The purpose of such analyses is to explore how the strontium isotope and other elements react to the rock weathering, material transportation and sedimentation in the lake system, and distinguish climate sensitive index from massive dataset. To realize such purpose,the principal component analysis(PCA) method,which is one of the most applied statistical methods to extract the useful information from a large number of original data and converts correlative variables into a few independent indexes was applied to separate the environmental proxies,e, g. to distinguish the precipitation sensitive proxy from temperature sensitive ones. Through such analyses, we hope to reduce the uncertainty of the proxies and improve the reliability of the climato-environmental reconstruction. The analyses results show that the ^87Sr/^86Sr values and Sr contents in the acid soluble and acid insoluble fractions vary independently in the studied section and there is no linear relationship between them. They represent the different material sources, transportation and change procedures and influential factors. The proxies given by acid soluble faction of the lacustrine deposits are more suitable and reliable to reveal the regional climate change history and the geochemical properties of the lake water than the data given by bulk samples and/or acid insoluble fraction,the later is more loosely related to the rock types and weathering procedures. The δ^18O of CaCO3.CaCO3 contents and the Mg/Ca ratios of the acid soluble fraction are more closely related to the regional temperature changes,the strontium isotope and the Rb/Sr ratio changes are influenced by the activity property of the element strontium.^87Sr/^86Sr values and Sr/Ba ratios,together with Sr/Ca and Rb/Sr ratios are proxies of the water salinity, as the Rb/Sr ratios also correlates to Fe/Mn ratios, it also one of the proxies of water depth when temperature changes consistent with precipitation.
Quaternary Sciences