本文开发了一种内嵌2kB RAM的UART控制模块,可实现从PC机发送代码至控制模块内部的RAM中,再将代码读取至需要进行功能验证的系统,可以进行RAM数据下载与系统调试。控制模块利用开源的MC8051 IP核进行系统的功能验证,并成功进行了Modelsim下的仿真和FPGA与PC机的实际通信测试,效果良好。
This paper presents a 2 kB RAM embedded in the UART control module, can be send code from PC to the internal RAM of the control module, then the code read to the systems which need functional verification, this module can download data to the RAM and do system debugging. Control module using the open source MC8051 IP core for testing, and the result was good.
China lntegrated Circuit