
稚绦与丝绦蚴及对绦虫中文名词审订的建议 被引量:1

A Proposal Concerning Renovation of Chinese Terms for Cestodes with Special References to Metacestodes and Spargana
摘要 根据绦虫发育各期系统拉丁术语词源及其定义,对应中文名词,有若干脱离原义或不贴切。稚绦(metaces-tode)是绦虫发育幼绦后的时期,词义、定义符合原文,"中绦期、续绦期、感染期"均不达意。丝绦蚴(sparganum)是假叶目全尾蚴的俗名,用作专业术语,发展为集群名sparganum,可以属名对待,长期以来其中译名混称"裂头蚴",最近有称"无头蚴",均不妥。全尾蚴名词原义正确而无歧义,应予重新启用,裂头蚴、双槽蚴不符拉丁文术语。钩球蚴是六钩蚴的正名,不应将钩毛蚴叫做钩球蚴。前尾蚴名词比原尾蚴确切,"钩尾"词意比"小尾球"或"小尾"更符合拉丁术语。棘球囊是棘球蚴虫体连同外包宿主炎症组织而形成,名词含义并不混同;原绦头不属"蚴"类。绦头、绦颈、绦体、绦节和绦片可为成绦期结构更贴切的术语。建议审订一个与拉丁名词确切对应的系统中文名词,以利于医学、教学和研究的科学性和学术性。 Some of the Chinese names involved in the cestode life cycle were not in coincidence with that of the Latin terms and their definitions,and may be imprecise in application.The term of metacestode has been misled into de-fining that is the larval stage in intermediate hosts or the infective stage to definite hosts;there was no specific Chinese term for sparganum which used to express it with same meaning and word as plerocercoid;the terms of oncosphere,pro-cercoid and plerocercoid including cercomer were incorrectly translated;same meaning of hydatid and hydatid cyst were vaguely read in Chinese literature and protoscolex is concerning to a larva in the relevent literature.A renovated unified system of naming the various stages and phases of cestode development including adult in Chinese was proposed.
作者 温廷桓
出处 《中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期290-296,共7页 Chinese Journal of Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases
关键词 绦虫 幼绦 稚绦 全尾蚴 丝绦蚴 集群名 变态发育 演替 Cestode Larval cestode Metacestode Plerocercoid Sparganum Collective groups name Metamorphosis Succession
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