本文对 1 79例新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病 ( HIE)患儿的临床分度与头颅 CT分度之间的关系进行分析 ,结果表明 :新生儿 HIE的临床分度与 CT分度的一致性较差 ;早产儿与足月儿 HIE临床分度比较无显著差异 ;低出生体重儿与正常体重儿 HIE发病程度与临床分度比较 ,有显著性差异 ;颅内出生的发生与 HIE病变程度成正比 ,而出血类型与 HIE的程度无关。提示 :HIE是多因素致病 ,其中以窒息为首要病因 ,且宫内窘迫所致的 HIE引起的脑损伤较出生时窒息重 ;HIE的临床分度与 CT分展一致性差 ,是否与病理长短不同或 CT检查时间错开有关 ,有待探讨 ;HIE的轻重程度与胎龄无关 ,而与出生体重有关 ,体重越低 HIE越严重 ;HIE的程度与颅内出血呈平行趋势 ,与出血类型无关 。
In this study,we repoted 179 cases with neonatal hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and compare their clinical and CT graduations. The result showed:The result showed:The uniformity between the clinical and CT graduations of HIE was bad. There was no significant difference between premature group and full term group in base of clinical graduating,but one between low birth weight group and normal birth weight group according to the clinical graduating. A positive correlation existed between intracranial hemorrhage occurring and pathological degree, while there's no correlation between hemorrhagic type and HIE severity. That suggested that HIE is multi factor pathogenic, the asphyxia is the most important factor and the intrauterine asphyxia will cause more serious HIE than delivery asphysia. Advanced work is necessary for studying that the bad uniformity between the clinical and CT graduations is caused by different duration and the opportune moment or not.The severity of HIE is not related to the gestation but to the birth weight,the lower the birth weight the more serious HIE. While the severity of HIE is related to intracranial hemorrhage but not to hemorrhagic type. The hemorrhagic type is related to the gestation.
The Journal of Neonatology