Auto CAD作为一个通用计算机辅助绘图与设计平台,有着强大二维、三维绘图编辑打印功能。利用Auto CAD VBA开发编程功能,有针对性地进行一些开发,可以提高工作效率。介绍了一种利用Auto CAD VBA的编程功能,定制Auto CAD打印输出环境的一种方法,能大大提高CAD图形的打印效率,可以轻松实现设计输出一体化。
when Auto CAD is used as a universal computer-aided drawing and design software,it has a powerful function in editing and printing 2D and 3D drawing.It uses the programming function of AutoCAD's VBA to do some special customization for improving working efficiency.A method using VBA to customize the print and output environment in AutoCAD is introduced,which can improve the print efficiency for CAD sketch and realize the integration of design and output easily.
Machine Building & Automation