To review retrospectively the etiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and manage-ment of vascular injury in the patients admitted during a 10-year period. Method and Results: 111 pa-tients with vascular injury were admitted to our hospital from 1988 to 1998. The injuries were caused by blunt trauma, stab wound or gunshot wound. The lower extremities were most commonly affected (50), followed by upper extremities(36), neck(13) and trunk(12); 67 cases(60%) had associated injuries of bone and peripheral nerves. Twenty cases(18%) underwent preoperative angiography, while 74 cases (67%) went to surgery without angiography because of severe ischemia or hemorrhage. Among the ca-ses explored and found negative, 17 were re-admitted for pseudoaneurysm and 4 for arterio-venous fi-stula. Arterial injuries were managed by primary repair in 43 cases, resection and followed by ana-stomosis in 25, autovenous grafting in 8, synthetic prosthesis interposition in 5 and arterial ligation in 1. Venous injuries were treated by primary repair in 10 cases, resection followed by anastomosis in 6, patch in 1, ligation in 2 and nonoperative management in 1. The limb salvage rate was 97%. Conclu-sions: Operative exploration was the main way to diagnose vascular injury under emergency setting; pre-operative angiography was helpful in establishing the diagnosis; the choice of operative procedure(s) depends on the complexity of the injury.
Journal of Surgery Concepts & Practice
Vascular injury Diagnosis Operative treatment Emergency