本文针对我国对外直接投资的现实情况,从对外直接投资的"二元"路径——顺梯度OFDI与逆梯度OFDI(Outward Foreign Direct investment),研究了"二元"对外直接投资影响贸易结构的机理,并利用我国1984-2008年的数据进行了验证,研究表明,我国对外直接投资较大地促进了我国贸易结构的升级;国内产业结构优化与研发利用率提高均能优化我国贸易结构;汇率水平的变动在我国贸易结构长期调整中并无显著影响。
According to the reality of Chinese outward foreign direct investment, this paper finds it has a significant dual structure, namely path-wise FDI and inverse FDI. On this basis, this paper explores the mechanism between dual outward foreign direct investment and trade structure, and then tests the mechanism by data from 1984 to 2008 of China. It finds dual outward foreign direct investment improves our trade structure strongly; both industrial structure and R&D utiliza- tion rate can stimulate the improvement of our trade structure; exchange rate is not an important factor to the adjustment of our trade structure.