目的: 探讨2009年广州市12~13岁儿童患龋情况并分析其影响因素.方法:于2009年采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法调查1 500名12~13岁儿童.检查全口恒牙牙冠患龋情况.问卷包括人口统计学资料、口腔卫生习惯、饮食习惯等.计算患龋率、龋均,多因素分析采用Logistic回归分析.结果: 广州市12~13岁儿童患龋率24.47%,龋均0.488,显著性龋均指数1.64,龋齿未充填率为75.27%. Logistic 回归分析显示女性、非独生子女、每日刷牙频率≤1次、喜欢吃甜食、每周喝甜饮料频率≥1次及不喜欢吃硬物是广州市12~13岁儿童恒牙龋的危险因素.结论: 2009年广州市12~13岁儿童患龋率、龋充填情况有所改善,但仍有大部分龋齿需要治疗;女性、非独生子女、每日刷牙≤1次、喜欢吃甜食、每周喝甜饮料≥1次、不喜欢吃硬物的儿童是龋病重点预防人群.
Objective : To investigate risk factors of caries in permanent teeth among 12 - 13 year-old children from Guangzhou in 2009. Methods: Multi-level stratified cluster random sampling was performed to obtain data of 1 500 children among 12 to 13 year-old fron Guangzhou in 2009. The caries of permanent teeth were examined. The questionnaire including demographics data, oral health behaviors, etc. was carried out for analysis of prevalence of caries and mean-DMFT using descriptive analysis and Logistic regression analysis, respectively. Results: The prevalence of caries was 24. 47% , with mean DMFT of 0. 488, SiC of 1.46 and untreated caries prevalence of 75.27%. Logistic regression analysis showed Female gender, non-only child, teeth brushing less than once per day, favor of sweet food, sweet beverages consumed more than once per week, and distaste of hard food were inde- pendent risk factors of caries. Conclusions: The data suggested that caries rate decreases and the rate of caries filling increased, but most of the involved teeth do not receive treatment. Female gender, non-only child, teeth brushing less than once per day, favor of sweet food, sweet beverages consumed more than once per week, and distaste of hard food were risk factors of caries in children from Guangzhou in 2009.
Journal of New Medicine
Risk factor