2010年5-7月,在西藏达孜县巴嘎雪湿地选择了7个采样站点,分两批采集水样28个,用活体观察和固定染色方法结合鉴定藻类的物种,用直接计数法统计藻类的数量,研究了巴嘎雪湿地藻类群落特征。共鉴定到藻类263种(包括12个未定名物种),隶属于7门9纲19目36科79属。其中双壳缝目(Biraphidinales)有66种,占25.10%,为优势类群;四胞藻目(Tetrasporales)有40种,占15.21%;无壳缝目(Araphidiales)有28种,占10.65%,为次优势类群;根金藻目(Rhizochrysidales)、双星藻目(Zygnematales)为罕见类群;其余各目为常见势类群。优势种类主要有小型黄丝藻(Tribonema minus)、湖沼圆筛藻(Coscin-odiscus lacusteris)、窗格平板藻(Tabellaria fenestrata)、双头针杆藻(Syned amphicephala)、尖针杆藻(Syne-dra acus)、新月桥弯藻(Cymbella.cymbiformis)、小桥弯藻(Cymbella laevis)、尖异极藻(G..acuminatum var.coronata)、缢缩异极藻(Gomphonema constrictum)、纤细异极藻(Gomphonema gracile)、棒形鼓藻(Gona-tozygon monotaenium)。结果表明:巴嘎雪湿地的藻类物种丰富,群落结构复杂,湿地环境健康状况良好。对藻类群落特征参数与水环境主要理化因子作相关性分析,结果表明:pH与EC(p<0.01)、TDS(p<0.01)、Sal(p<0.01)呈极显著的负相关;EC与TDS(p<0.01)、Sal(p<0.01)呈极显著的正相关;TDS与Sal(p<0.01)、种类数与丰富度指数(p<0.01)、多样性指数与均匀度指数(p<0.01)呈极显著的正相关;丰富度指数与多样性指数(p<0.05)呈显著性正相关。
The community characteristics and species diversity of algae in Bagarxue wetland were studied by observation in vivo, fixed and staining from May to July in 2010. Total of 263 species of algae including 12 unnamed species were identified from 28 water samples in 7 sampling sites and they belonging to 7 phylum, 9 classs, 19 orders, 36 families and 79 genera. (66 species belonging to 3 families and 7 genera of Baeillariophyta, accounting for 25.10% and 40 species belonging to 5 families and 10 genera of Chlorophyta, accounting for 15.21% of the total). Biraphidinales was the dominant group and followed by Araphidiales. Rhizochrysidales and Zygnematales were the incidental groups of algae community in the Bagarxue wetland. Tribonema minus ,Coscinodiscus lacusteris ,Tabellaria fenestrata,Syned amphicephala,Synedra acus ,Cymbellca cymbiformis , Cymbella laevis , Gomphonema constrictum, Gomphonema gracile , G..acuminatum var. coronat and Gonatozygon monotaenium were the dominant species. Correlation analysis was carried between index of algae community structure and main physical and chemical factors. Result showed that pH is negatively correlated with EC (p〈0.01), TDS (p 〈0.01)and Sal (p〈0.01); EC is positively correlated with TDS (p 〈0.01)and Sal (p〈 0.01); TDS, Sal and margalef index were significantly correlation with Number of species; indicated prominent is correlated to Shannon-Weaver index, Shannon-Weaver index is significantly correlation with Evenness index.
Bagarxue wetland
algae community characteristics