
Estimating the Macroeconomic Costs of CO_2 Emission Reduction in China Based on Multi-objective Programming

Estimating the Macroeconomic Costs of CO_2 Emission Reduction in China Based on Multi-objective Programming
摘要 This paper estimates the macroeconomic costs of CO_2 emission reduction in China employing the input-output analysis with the multi-objective programming approach.The results show that the effect of reducing CO_2 emissions on China's economy is significant.Under the present conditions,the estimated macroeconomic costs of CO_2 emission reduction in 2010 for China are approximately 3,100-4,024 RMB t^(-1).The stronger the abatement actions,the higher the macroeconomic costs of per unit emission reduction would be.Excavation industry,oil industry,chemical industry,and metal smelting industry have high potential to abate their CO_2 emissions. This paper estimates the macroeconornic costs of CO2 emission reduction in China employing the input-output analysis with the multi-objective programming approach. The results show that the effect of reducing CO2 emissions on China's economy is significant. Under the present conditions, the estimated macroeconomic costs of CO2 emission reduction in 2010 for China are approximately 3,100-4,024 RMB t-1. The stronger the abatement actions, the higher the macroeconomic costs of per unit emission reduction would be. Excavation industry, oil industry, chemical industry, and metal smelting industry have high potential to abate their CO2 emissions.
出处 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2010年第1期27-33,共7页 气候变化研究进展(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 70825001 and 70941039
关键词 二氧化碳排放量 多目标规划 中国经济 经济成本 成本估计 宏观经济 碳减排 基础 CO2 emission reduction macroeconomic cost multi-objective programming input-output analysis
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