
上海市郊区≥70岁老年人血压现况分析 被引量:1

摘要 目的:了解练塘镇≥70人群的血压水平及其特点,为有效防治高血压提供依据。方法:采用体检的方式对练塘镇≥70岁人群血压情况及其相关特点进行分析。结果:≥70岁老年人高血压患病率为49.53%;女性患病率大于男性患病率;且>80岁老年人患病率较70~79岁老年人高血压的患病率更高,70~79岁、≥80岁2个年龄段老年人的高血压病患病率分别为48.98%、50.49%;体检人群中主要以收缩压高为主,脉压差增大,血压波动性大。结论:≥70岁人群高血压病的患病率较高,且以收缩压高为主,应积极开展高质量的有针对性的健康教育,定期体检,提高社区人群对高血压病的知晓率和控制率,促使高血压患者改善生活习惯,规律使用抗高血压药,延缓病情发展,降低复发率,减少并发症,提高生活质量。 Objective:to my town over seventy people's blood pressure levels and its characteristics, and provide basis for effective prevention and hypertension. Methods:to my town of 70 or older population pressure situation and characteristics are analyzed. Resuhs:70 and 70 years of age or older hypertension rates for infertility, Prealence of women than men, And 80 years of age or older than 70 prevalence rates higher, 70 - 79, 80 years old, the prevalence of 48. 98% , 50. 49% ; respectively. People with higher systolic blood pressure cheek - up mainly, pulse pressure differential pressure increases, volatility. Conclusion : 70 years old crowd incidence of hypertension, systolic blood pressure and with higher priority should be actively, high quality education,physical health, improves the community groups regularly for hypertension rate and control, to improve life habit of patients with hypertension, regular use antihypertensive drugs that slow the progress of the disease, decrease the recurrence rate, reduce the complications, improve the quality of life.
作者 肖峰
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2010年第35期245-246,共2页
关键词 高血压病 患病率 收缩压 ≥70岁老年人 上海市郊区 hypertension hypertension rates systolic blood pressure 70 or older population
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