
我国农业关联产业的投入产出分析 被引量:13

An Input-Output Analysis about Chinese Agribusiness
摘要 由农业投入、农业生产、农产品加工制造和农产品流通服务四环节构成的农业关联产业是一个复杂的综合体系,在我国国民经济发展中起着重要作用。根据计算,我国农业关联产业体系在国民经济中的份额远远超过了传统农业,其投入、生产、加工制造、运销服务等四部门的产出比例为0.17∶1∶2.21∶0.21;与美国和日本相比,我国农业关联产业结构中农产品加工制造和农产品运销服务环节发育程度相对较低。我国农业关联产业的影响力系数为1.0162,略大于1,总体上对国民经济发展的推动作用较为明显。 Agribusiness that concluding four sectors (input sector, agriculture sector, processing sector and distribution sector) is a complex comprehensive industry chain, which is playing the vital role in our national economy. According to calculating, In the Chinese agribusiness system, input sector, agriculture sector, processing sector and marketing service ~ector'~ proportions are 0. 17 : 1 : 2.21 : 0. 21. Comparing to that of USA and Japan, China' s agricultural processing marketing senqce growth incompletely. The influence coefficient of Chinese agri- business is 1. 0162, which was bigger than 1 slightly, this meant that impetus function of agribusiness is obvious to the national economy development.
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期16-21,共6页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金"中国涉农产业的投入产出分析--基于国际比较视角"(71003050) 教育部人文社会科学青年基金"中国涉农产业:结构 关联与发展"(09YJC790150)
关键词 农业关联产业 投入产出分析 发展战略 Agribusiness Input-output analysis Development stratagem
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