
低碳科技服务业发展研究——兼论广东省低碳科技服务业的现状与未来 被引量:7

A Study on the Development of Low-Carbon Technology Service Industries——Take Guangdong Province as an Example
摘要 低碳科技服务业是现代服务业在低碳领域的拓展,旨在促进低碳技术和产品的研发,将低碳科技"潜价值"转化为现实生产力。在技术生命周期的不同阶段,低碳科技服务业有不同的活动内容、组织形式和参与主体。低碳科技服务产业分为低碳实体产业和低碳虚拟产业两类。发达国家的低碳科技服务业以市场驱动为主,政府、企业和非政府组织或非营利性民间组织从不同层面发挥着促进作用。广东具备发展低碳科技服务业的政策优势和经济基础,但其低碳技术和低碳产业的发展正处在起步阶段,需要培养低碳科技服务意识和提升低碳核心技术的攻关能力。 Low-carbon technology service industry is an extended development of modern service industries in the low carbon area,which aims to prompt the research and development of low-carbon technology and product by transforming the potential value of low-carbon technology to real-life productivity. There are various activities content,organized forms,and participating entities of low-carbon technology service industry in the different phases of technology lifecycle. Both the low-carbon entity industry and low-carbon virtual industry are two forms of low-carbon technology service industry. In developed countries,the low-carbon technology service industry is mainly driven by market while government,enterprises and NGO play their role in respective levels. Guangdong province has the well-grounded economic basis and policy advantages of developing low-carbon technology service industry,but still in its starting phrase in low-carbon technology and low-carbon industry developemnt. Efforts should be made to strengthen low-carbon technology service consciousness and enhance the capability and perspective of key technology development.
出处 《广东商学院学报》 北大核心 2011年第1期63-69,共7页 Journal of Guangdong University of Business Studies
基金 广东省科技计划项目(2010A040101009)
关键词 服务业 低碳经济 低碳技术 低碳科技服务业 广东 service industry low-carbon economy low-carbon technology service industry Guangdong
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