通过对澳门和珠海旅游业发展现状及优劣势的分析, 探讨了两地合作发展旅游业的可能, 指出澳门珠海两市的旅游互动发展, 是一种基于双赢互惠战略的举措, 两地应积极利用澳门回归契机, 通过全面、真正意义上的合作和协调, 通过在政策、合作手段及合作项目等方面的突破和最大限度的变通,力求达到发挥集中和集团优势的目的, 即依靠发挥1 + 1 > 2 效应, 提升两地在国内、国际旅游市场竞争中的地位, 以期促进两地旅游业的持续稳定发展。
Different levels of government and enterprises have paid a lot of attention to the spatial competion between tourist attractions in different regions and even in the same region. The possible impact the attractions may have on the tourist market is the most important factor that investors look for in feasibility studies. In the mean time, the spatial competition between attractions has also caught the attention of tourism researchers. Under the right circumstances, different attractions in different areas or in the same area can enhance each other. It is possible for Zhuhai and Macao to work together if they take advantage of different types of attractions they can offer, and of attractions that supplement each other. This new ally would create a stronger pull on tourists, therefore benefiting both places. With their geographical vicinity and the characteristics as well as limitations of their tourism resources, Zhuhai and Macao have the potential of becoming supplementary allies to each other in tourism development. This paper analyzes the status quo, advantages and disadvantages of the tourism development in both Zhuhai and Macao, in order to explore the possibility of their cooperation in tourism development. This paper argues that the cooperation between Zhuhai and Macao will have a win-win future. The two cities should take advantage of the return of Macao to China's Mainland as a good starting point, so as to work out the best way for them to cooperate and coordinate. Ultimately, the Zhuhai-Macao cooperation will help to promote the two cities in the domestic and international tourism market and to make it possible for their tourism industry to grow steadily in the face of competition.
Tropical Geography