
英国学校督导体系变革的特点及其启示 被引量:10

The Features of School Inspection System Transformation in the UK and its Inspiration
摘要 用历史的眼光审视20世纪90年代以来英国督导制度的演变过程,剖析英国督导框架历次修订中所进行的制度改进,可以发现英国督导体系变革呈现出如下主要新特点:强化督导的发展性功能,注重学校改进;把儿童青少年放在第一位,强调全体学生的全面发展;注重学校自我评估,将其作为反映学校管理水平的重要指标;提高督导效率,减轻学校负担。这些新的特点对于我国正在进行的学校督导评估改革具有积极的借鉴意义。 By a review of history of the transformation process of school inspection system in the UK since the 1990s,and through the examination of the institutional improvement during the amendments of school o inspection framework,we can find that there are some new traits of school inspection in the UK as follows: emphasizing on school improvement through inspection,paying attention to pupils" total development and achievement, taking school self-evaluation as an index of school management, alleviating the burden of schools which are inspected and improving inspection efficiency. All of the new traits can bring some inspiration for school inspection and evaluation reform in China.
作者 赵德成
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期66-71,共6页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 英国 教育标准局 学校督导体系 变革 学校评估 the UK Ofsted school inspection system transformation school evaluation
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