
ICT领域跨学科关联度的块段模型分析——基于我国校企合作申请的专利 被引量:12

Block Model Analysis on the Cross-subject Correlation in ICT——Based on University-Firm Co-application for Patents
摘要 校企合作申请的发明专利能很好地反映高校科研成果供应与企业核心技术需求的对接。尝试以这类专利的主、次分类号为切入点,借助2009年OECD有关ICT领域的展望和政策,首次采用块段模型,分析该领域四大技术主题内部及其与非ICT领域间跨学科的技术关联,区别四大主题的技术路径依赖,挖掘技术平台,预测研发重点。助于我国ICT核心技术的把握和研发战略的布局,助于企业开展竞争情报分析,也为跨学科研究及其产业化提供了借鉴。 The patents co-applied by universities and companies can reflect the relative access for the achievements of universities' research and the needs of companies' core technologies.Trying to take the major minor IPC as entry point,using the relative policy and outlook from OECD and applying the Block Model,the paper aims to investigate the relationship among the inner ICT external non-ICT sector,distinguish the technical path dependence in the four different technology themes,mining the platforms technology and predicting the priority research.Such research findings provide numerous implications for policy-making and strategic planning for ICT development.It helps the enterprises with competitive intelligence analysis,it is aslo use the multidisciplinary studies and industrialization for reference.
作者 雷滔 陈向东
出处 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期67-74,共8页 China Soft Science
基金 国家留学基金委中德合作项目资助(PPP) 国家自然科学基金项目资助(70772011/G020801)
关键词 技术关联度 技术路径依赖 块段模型分析 关联密度矩阵 知识图谱 technical correlation technical path dependence Block Model analysis correlation density matrix knowledge map
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