
中国背景下建言行为研究:结构、形成机制及影响 被引量:73

The Research of Employee Voice in Chinese Context:Construct,Formation Mechanism and Effect
摘要 建言行为研究伴随角色外行为研究而兴起,对其研究顺应了知识管理等管理新理念的要求,也与弘扬自主创新的时代主题一致。相比国外的盛行,国内对该主题的本土化实证研究尚待加强。经对以往研究的总结分析,结合本土化研究取向,本研究拟采用半结构化访谈、配对成组问卷的现场研究和实验室模拟研究等方法,以特质激活理论、社会认同理论和经济理性观为基础,探索中国背景下企业员工建言行为的构思、形成机制及其对组织创新的影响。具体包括以下三个方面:(1)中国背景下建言行为结构研究;(2)建言行为多层次动态形成机制研究,包括基于特质激活的个体特征对建言行为的影响研究,基于个人认同的领导行为对建言行为的影响研究,基于社会认同的组织因素对建言行为的影响研究,及基于经济理性的个体与情境因素对建言行为交互影响的实验模拟研究;(3)建言行为对组织创新的影响研究。 As the development of knowledge management and the spread of etbosos of self-innovation, the study of extra-role behaviors, including voice behavior, attracts much attention increasingly. Compared with the popularity in western academia, the indigeneous empirical study awaits much reinforcement. After review of past studies, based on trait activation theory, social identity theory and homo economicus perspective, this study try to explore the construct, formation mechanism of employee voice behavior and its effect on organizational creativity. The research methods include semi-structure interview, matched-sample- questionnaire field study and lab simulation. The whole study include three substudies, that is, (1) the exploration of construct of emplolyee voice in Chinese context; (2) the research of multi-level dynamic formation mechanisms of employee voice, which includes the trait-activation-based exlporation of personal characteristics on voice, the personal-identity-based exlporation of leadership behavior on voice, and the homo-economicus-perspective-based exlporation of the interaction of personal characteristics and situational factors on voice; and (3) the research of the influence of employee voice on organizational creativity.
作者 段锦云
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期185-192,共8页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(70902056) 教育部人文社科青年项目(09YJCZH087) 苏州大学“211工程”三期重点项目 苏州大学重大研究项目
关键词 建言行为 特质激活 社会认同 经济理性 组织创新 voice behavoir trait activation social identity homo economicus organizational creativity
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