
泛在信息环境下图书馆信息资源组织构建研究 被引量:22

Research on Construction of the Library Information Resources Organization in Ubiquitous Information Environment
摘要 首先就泛在信息环境对图书馆信息组织的影响进行探讨,并对泛在信息环境下图书馆的组成展开分析;在此基础上,以泛在图书馆的组成框架为中心,以泛在信息环境下图书馆信息组织的基本特性为基础,提出基于空间环境的图书馆信息组织架构,并构建泛在信息环境下图书馆信息资源组织的抽象模型。 This paper discusses the ubiquitous information environment impact on the library information organization, analyzes the composition of the library in detail in the ubiquitous information environment, proposes the spatial environment of the library information organization and adaptability of the library information dynamic organization based on the framework of ubiquitous library as the center and basic characteristics of the library, information organization as the foundation,and constructs the abstract model of the library. information resources organization in the ubiquitous information environment.
作者 欧阳剑
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期28-31,99,共5页 Library and Information Service
关键词 信息组织 泛在信息环境 数字图书馆 泛在服务 iuformation organization ubiquitous information environment digital library ubiquitous service
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